Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why Write....

I believe writing is a gift! I believe it is a freedom! I believe it is a necessity...well at least for me! I have always been three things for sure, one is a lover, two is a healer and three is a writer. You see I find the first two a beautiful expression of the offering of myself to the Lord and the world around me, but the third, well I often notice it’s for me. Don’t get me wrong, it is still very much a gift and I know God uses it and speaks through it; but I also know deep within my innermost parts it is when I settle in to write that my soul truly finds communion with Him. Much like yoga, for me, it is a clear space of tethering my soul back to the Source and filling up on His Love and His Presence! So join me this morning as I reminisce on why I write! 
    That beauty that grows beneath the shadows of our outer realm can be so creatively expressed through so many different ways. He is an artist indeed. The Artist, after all; I suppose we shouldn’t expect any less. But just gander around and see the creative beauty that wells up from each man’s soul. The music, the art, the logic, the invention, the creativity, the compassion, the service, the selflessness, the poems, the stories, the written words that come alive from man made pages...God is so sweetly portrayed throughout all of His design. I suppose this awareness also reveals why and how I am a lover. I see things in people that they rarely see in themselves. I see their hearts, I see their potential, I see Him; His brilliant design upon each fiber of their being. And I simply revel in it! I need more of Him, we all do. I guess I’ve just learned to recognize that the parts I need the see of the Great Mystery, are right there cleverly hidden beneath the surface of mankind.. And what a wonder it is!
      The sorrow that often accompanies that beauty is the space that His healing has yet to touch. I see that too! I read the hearts and see the wounds. I never really could understand why God gave me this gift, but as a child it was purely expressed through unconditional love and forgiveness of those who terribly trespassed upon my story. I had a very keen awareness that my own survival would hinge on my compass to find the beauty in all creations and then offer love and forgiveness in undeserved capacities. Rarely do I find that when I gaze into the eyes of another, that they do not know they are loved, no matter the context of the exchange...I think their heart sees mine and knows of the stories that the pain, sorrow, suffering, surrender and survival all tell. They know they are safe and they are loved...They are free to let their light shine and push out the shadows. It creates a space to listen and to heal; to wonder and to rest. To unburden and to unwind. To dream and to reminisce. To find freedom and to break the chains. WE all need these moment with one another. It is a beautiful exchange!
     The writer....well she is the one that sits down and finds that after a day of one unrelenting disappointment after another, there is still life in these bones and hope just dripping from her fingers as she longs to write and to commune once more with the Spirit. She sees this entire journey as a magnificent all encompassing much to see and so much to share...if there’s is life in this body there will be stories to tell and words to write upon the hearts that He so desires to find these rambling little notes of a girl madly in love with her Creator....may a season well up in me of writing these stories down and sharing my heart once more...may we all be so brave as to accept whatever creativity He has weaved unto our souls and share unashamedly with each are a masterpiece and have immeasurably more to offer this life than you begin to know! So I shall write....until I can no longer...

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