Wednesday, April 17, 2013

To write again...

Writing is a gift for me....just the rantings of my soul poured out onto the fibers of the paper....the Truth as I come to know it, live it, experience it; transpired into words drawn from my fingers and left on the page to be as they will....Echoes of stories told within my soul! Sometimes it is nonsense and sometimes perfect please enjoy the tattered letters as they befall over these pages bound together in humility:

Lord, I realized today that I still draw quickly from the safety and sanctity of Our Conversations into the exchange of words that unchanged hearts offer. Surrender the teacher in me~blow my mind and may I simply learn stillness with my eyes wide open...

Let my thought fade
As I lie open hearted before You
May You peel back the layers that have hardened
And expose the heart of flesh You breathed into me upon creation
Quiet my mind~this is a heart matter
Free my Spirit to find depth beyond my comprehension
Beginning each day with open hands, open heart and open mind
Faith is being poured out into this portion of my life
It offers You to work Your ways into all of my circumstances
Learning to live within the boundaries of the Present
This is where You are~finding Joy, Peace and Love there
You are only giving my human frailty a day at a time, a step at a time, a breath at a time
And so I will linger in the Cleave of Your Mighty Hand
Waiting to see the Good You will bring from this cup of trial You have passed unto me...
Lord hear my cry and deliver my heart exactly where You desire...
Your will be done!

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